suzy hewitt
I am obsessed with the idea of landscape and biography - intersections, impacts, and portents. Landscape shapes the collective and individual narrative. Landscape sets our narratives in time and place. We always ask, “Where are you from?” as if place writes the narrative, revealing the person.
I ask, “Where do these paintings come from?” There is alway something “off kilter” in them. The talisman emerges. It is not placed there. My paintings are large - 5 x 6 feet on average. I have been experimenting with black - all shades of black. I painted a series of 12 black paintings after discovering Barnett Newman’s Stations of the Cross. My natural preferences are bright, demanding colors as found in my garden paintings or my smaller meditative series - Fire Red and Out Past Midnight (not shown). Discover what emerges in my painting, Fleurs du Mal (above), when you consider your landscape, your story.
Suzy Hewitt works at scale as an abstract expressionist. Her works on paper, linen and canvas include a black & white series, landscapes, and gardens. She uses acrylics, chalk, charcoal, pastels, oils, and other mixed media. She has studied with Glen Moriwaki, attended the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and received her masters in poetry from Stanford University. She has been an artist in residence at Montalvo, Cummington and Dorland Mountain Arts Communities.